Sunday, June 5, 2011

Indoor Air Quality

Helping you breathe a little bit easier!

        Cira and Associates Consulting LLC is an environmental company dedicated to keeping the residents and inhabitants of West Virginia and the surrounding states healthier and breathing easier.

Mold and Indoor Air Quality Cira and Associates Consulting LLC can help maintain or re-establish a normal fungal ecology or reduce other contaminants that can adversely affect the living conditions and air quality in your home. Exposure to asbestos can be a serious health risk. However, removing asbestos from a home or building is not always the best solution. If, for example, the asbestos is undisturbed and intact, removing the asbestos can in fact be a greater risk than leaving it in place. However, if a renovation or demolition will disturb asbestos containing materials then that material must be removed with proper disposal. Disturbing asbestos can disperse particles into the air, where they can then enter the lungs and cause long-term health problems. Poorly maintained or leaking UST's and AST's are a major source of contamination for our groundwater and our soils. In the event that a UST/AST system has released product to the environment, Cira and Associates Consulting LLC will help you quickly get back in compliance.

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